I have gathered together various pages linking to inspirational makeups which I find interesting.
I have been recently introduced to newly related topics to my project by friends and relatives , which has helped me through my research investigation.
I have found new research material which can help me to proceed forward with my own makeup application.
The reason I have chosen this particular area to study is because I am thoroughly interested in observing how other makeup artists produce such inspirational pieces of makeups, and are able to produce a final outcome look so realistic.
The particular media I have gathered together relate to my project, with researching into forklore, Mythology and fantasy creatures that aren't real, it's a great way to see how other peoples interpretation of those creatures are demonstrated as a practical. It is also a great source of research to look into these creatures from a cultural view.
Digitial effects is also one of my thoroughly enjoyed topics, which is why I have chosen to study both practical and digitial effects within makeup to grasp the understanding as to why it is needed and how sometimes both can work effectively together .