Types of Horns
I wanted to create some horns for my final piece, but what great way to start the project off by looking into types of horns, and what type of goat or animal they belong to. Researching on types of horns gives me the ideas of what I want it to appear like, the shape in which I want to make it, the textures it might have, and think about how big or how little it will appear.
Having various ideas of what horns may fit the purpose of the character is also considered. I have always watched documentaries on animal programmes, and It always appears that the male species of horned animal always tend to get the larger looking horns, mainly for fighting for a female, or to show it off. Females tend to have much smaller horns which is the key point to my project. I need to back up my project well in order for everything I am making, makes sense for the concept and is accurate.
I loved the subtle horns on this deer, very simple and easy to do, and also gives a very feminine overlook
There were a very interesting species of goat, where the horns twisted, would be an incredible design to make,but also very tricky to get them to look accurate
Proably something I would consider for a major project, Males are known to have massive horms for fighting for dominance and for a mate, so this look wouldn't be ideal for my character
An extremely feminine looking deer, with very small horns which seem doable.
An incredible design of horns for this antelope. But again, this belongs to a female but the length of the horns seem to big for what I want to make.
This design has also interested me , a male species ( the ram ) has these horns which are used to fight against other rams. I love the textures of the horns, and the way the curve toward the rams face, almost like a shield.
I believe these horns belong to the member of the oryx family of antelope. I love the twists and curves of the horns,and how long they are, which to me represents elegancy. This would be interesting to make.
This again, is an interesting type of horn, with a much smoother look to the horns, with little curves and twists, but a much more masculine appearance.
I lovely , and much smaller looking horn that belongs to a ram, exploiting the power behind the horns, and its uses. I love the tectures and the subtle curve.
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