Pre-Colouring The Ears
Pre-colouring the ears to make them look as close to a humans ears was the intention. I wanted them to look human like in colour but animal like in appearance ( as a feature ) . The effect I wanted to go for, was a warm fleshy tone, demonstrating blood capiliaries in the skin surface, freckles, bloody spots, veins etc.
I also wanted to gain a bit of confidence in experimenting with these useful methods and materials.
Low Odour White Spirit.
Clear bathroom silicone sealant.
Mixture of the substances.
A thin layer of silicone and low odour white spirit was applied using a small soft brush, and carefully brushed all over the surface of the prosthetic, ensuring all the small and large areas were covered. It was then left to dry fully until the pain was added later on.
A very diluted wash of red pigment was brushed onto the silicone surface to begin with, to start with a nice rose looking undertone to the skin.
I then experimented using some of the brown pigment from the palette, and using a hard angled brush, I began to brush my finger along the brush fibres until the paint started splattering onto the silicone in various spots, varying from large and tiny.
A wash of colour was then added to the back of the ear. Again using a rose tone to become the base, and an additional colours would be added to the top.
Dark patches then started appearing on the prosthetic, bits where the colour was thicking in places, and dried. I actually loved the outcome of this as it made it seem more natural.
Overlook of the ear so far.
The brush on effect was then applied, splatting various blood spots onto the ear.
Close up of the blood spots.
I then applied the same technique for the inner part of the ear, so it all looked the same.
Applying freckle/bloof spots to the outer surface of the silicone mold.
Side profile of the right Ear
Back view of the right ear
Front profile of the Left Ear
Back profile of the Left Ear My favourite image.
Overall outcome of the two ears. I had to ensure both ears looked indentical in a way, but not so much completely the same as not everything is symmetrica.l.
One of the ears taken in a different lighting to see how it appeared.